The Neurology of the Soul
The Neurology of the Soul

The Neurology of the Soul NYC Reviews and Tickets

(48 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Intelligent, Thought-provoking, Disappointing, Clever

About the Show

Untitled Theater Company No. 61 presents this new play examining the nexus between neuroscience, marketing, art, and love.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (48)

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95 Reviews | 8 Followers
Clever, Great Acting

See it if You like to learn while being entertained.

Don't see it if If you do not enjoy shows that are different and want different perspectives.

334 Reviews | 37 Followers
Clever, Great Acting, Quirky, Relevant, Thought-Provoking

See it if You like science , art ,and an exploration of relationship dynamics It didn’t go deep enough but was entertaining

Don't see it if You want to be seriously challenged. This is more stereotypical but fun enough

67 Reviews | 10 Followers
Entertaining, Great Acting, Great Writing, Refreshing, Worth Your Time

See it if You like well paced, well acted theater and clever staging.

Don't see it if you like musicals and other flashy theater.

25 Reviews | 3 Followers
Absorbing, Great Acting, Great Writing, Thought-Provoking

See it if you want to be pleasantly surprised by a small production with simple staging. A great melding of science, art and human relations.

Don't see it if you want a large cast, elaborate production, comedy, singing or dancing.

169 Reviews | 72 Followers
Ambitious, Entertaining, Relevant, Romantic, Thought-Provoking

See it if You are interested in a play that deals with scientific research on love which the results might change the view of neuroscience

Don't see it if You do not like small productions, plays with a lot of medical and science referrals, infedility, love Read more

394 Reviews | 34 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Great Acting, Relevant, Resonant

See it if you're interested in new technology and the business of promoting and selling works of art .

Don't see it if you want to hear all the lines spoken by the female lead. She spoke too low, too fast and often behind a curtain.

475 Reviews | 59 Followers
Good Acting, Interesting, Realistic Characterizations, Thought-Provoking, Well Written

See it if you like plays that are thought provoking, unique in theme, realistic dialog, good characterizations and fine acting.

Don't see it if you dislike plays that deal with scientific mind research and the effects on human lives and serious rather then light/comic presentations.

228 Reviews | 42 Followers
Ambitious, Disappointing, Intelligent, Relevant

See it if You are interested in marketing, art, or neuroscience--you are more intellectual than emotional

Don't see it if you want believable characters enacting a believable situation. Read more

Critic Reviews (11)

The New York Times
February 24th, 2019

"The production’s video design and sound are excellent, particularly when Amy’s exhibition takes over the set. But in a play that juxtaposes art and science, love and money, private thoughts and public data, it feels like technology might have gotten a disproportionate share of directorial attention. With the exception of Mr. Trumbull’s admirably nuanced Stephen, the performances don’t spring compellingly to life."
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February 16th, 2019

"A fascinating, engaging, and ingenious evening of theatre...His text is rich with intellectual insights, spiritual musings, fast-paced dialogue, which could easily overwhelm an audience in concept. Yet, Einhorn has once again mastered an exhilarating balance of infusing a story with awe-inspiring ideas, characters we grow to deeply care about, and plenty of humor...Each scene seamlessly transitions blends into the next, taking us further into the complicated nature of love and relationships."
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Lighting & Sound America
February 21st, 2019

"If you ever wanted to be loved only for your mind, this is the setup for you...Handled differently, it might have made for a sexy and stimulating evening...Amy and Stephen make a dullish pair...Einhorn's direction does little to put some starch into these slow-moving proceedings...The bones of the piece are good, but the execution is lackadaisical and lacking in emotional detail. As theatrical experiments go, the data is inconclusive."
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Front Row Center
February 12th, 2019

“While introducing many intellectually interesting ideas...The lack of just about everything made it follow the emotional journey of the characters...The acting was universally ungrounded...As an intellectual exploration, ‘Neurology of the Soul’ gives the audience a lot to think about and presents really interesting ideas, however, it falls short in incorporating those ideas into an intellectual narrative...The play falls short of reaching your soul.”
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New York Theater
February 17th, 2019

"In this smart and stimulating new play written and directed by Edward Einhorn, Stephen makes an unwelcome discovery, while the show delivers some fascinating and perhaps unwelcome information to the audience...If Einhorn has given his play a title that might prove a tad off-putting to anybody but neurologists who read Scientific American, the playwright has fashioned an accessible plot that is more or less a love triangle."
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February 18th, 2019

“A must-see...With an intriguing backdrop linking neuroscience, art, marketing/branding and human relationships, Einhorn raises questions about ethics and justice in his beautifully constructed, dynamic and mind-blowing work...His exploration is at once humorous and frightening...Above all, his play alerts us to be on guard...’The Neurology of the Soul’ startles, thrills and absolutely shimmers with light.”
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February 16th, 2019

"A fascinating creative deep dive into neuroscience and its application in 21st century marketing...This production makes you curious...It’s compulsive viewing...The play sits on a bedrock of a mountain of research. It is evident in the text, the premise, and the findings...All four performers give flawless performances...Einhorn’s powerful directorial vision is evident in every moment...A thought-provoking work...It’s thematically exhilarating and prompts hours of discussion post viewing."
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March 2nd, 2019

"Einhorn’s dissertational script demonstrates copious research on the matter of cognitive neuroscience...That said, the play may hold up to scientific scrutiny, but from a theatrical standpoint, 'Neurology' feels like Einhorn coloring in a thesis with a narrative, and the drama he tries to infuse to it makes for an uneven blend at best, and in some moments even undermines the science...All four of 'Neurology’s' talented cast struggle to accordingly flesh out soulless roles."
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