The Meeting: The Interpreter
Closed 1h 40m
The Meeting: The Interpreter

The Meeting: The Interpreter NYC Reviews and Tickets

(23 Ratings)
Members say
Confusing, Ambitious, Great acting, Relevant, Clever

About the Show

An interpreter's fight for individuality amid the 2016 Trump Tower meeting's political turmoil.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (23)

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84 Reviews | 7 Followers
Clever, Confusing, Great Staging, Multimedia, Relevant

See it if you'd like to watch a detailed, if somewhat confusing, exploration of the players involved in the Russia collusion Trump Tower meeting

Don't see it if you're not a fan of minutiae, puppets, or are MAGA

1181 Reviews | 390 Followers
One Incoherent Script, Overstuffed, Distracting Staging, Two Great Actors

See it if you'd like 2 pros trying to navigate a subpar script. Wood and (especially) Curran work hard...and any charm/coherence are their doing.

Don't see it if you want an enjoyable experience. What a waste of great actors.

713 Reviews | 131 Followers
Confusing, Excruciating, Slow, Too Many Gimmicks

See it if Only see this if you are familiar with the story and you want to see it done in a very weird and avant-garde way

Don't see it if You want straightforward theater. This show is filled with gimmicks and it’s incredibly confusing and hard to follow Read more

526 Reviews | 99 Followers
Ambitious, Confusing, Quirky, Unusual Staging..................................., Well-Acted

See it if you are a fan of actor Frank Wood or you are a fan of QUIRKY staging for live theater.

Don't see it if you are seeking a serious straight-forward play because this is about as far from straight-forward as you get live on stage. Read more

40 Reviews | 6 Followers
Confusing, Disappointing, Distracting, Gimmicky, Relevant

See it if You are interested in the politics of the meeting.

Don't see it if You aren’t familiar with the themes. Read more

50 Reviews | 4 Followers
Confusing, Disappointing, Indulgent, Slow

See it if You have time and money to waste

Don't see it if You want some coherence and communication from a play.

248 Reviews | 31 Followers
Confusing, Edgy, Great Acting, Quirky

See it if Into untraditional/avant-garde play. Great acting.

Don't see it if Not into something related to politics. Not into the incorporation of different mediums, props… Read more

102 Reviews | 21 Followers
Confusing, Fluffy, Quirky, Relevant, Too Many Props

See it if you like politically themed AND avant-garde plays. A variety of weird props including clay dolls. Continuous shift of timeline.

Don't see it if you were hoping to see a profound drama emphasizing intense human psyche. you get confused easily with timelines shifting. Read more

Critic Reviews (7)

Lighting & Sound America
August 5th, 2024

" teeters on the edge of incoherence throughout."
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Talkin' Broadway
August 4th, 2024

" less of a good hard look at what may have taken place behind closed doors"
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August 5th, 2024

"will only work for those already informed of the events depicted in the play"
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New York Theater
August 4th, 2024

it’s flabbergasting how hard the production works at self-sabotage.
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August 8th, 2024

"Flippantly theatrical, thoroughly confusing treatment of the Trump Tower meeting."
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This Week in New York
August 5th, 2024

"Frank Wood and Kelley Curran are terrific...However, the play is completely flummoxing."
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Off Off Online
August 9th, 2024

"Everything is well executed, yet audience members may leave the show wondering"
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