The Immortal Jellyfish Girl
The Immortal Jellyfish Girl
Closed 1h 20m NYC: Midtown E
85% 178 reviews
(178 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Entertaining, Great staging, Enchanting, Quirky

About the Show

When Earth's population faces extinction in the distant future, an Immortal being finds hope.

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Critic Reviews (4)

The New York Times
January 20th, 2023

CRITIC'S PICK! "It's not just that the story is set in a poetically rendered 2555, but that Waage and Warnock, who also directed, blithely ignored the memo about coddling young audiences: Their show, for viewers age 10 and up, does not shy from the violence and death intertwined with life"
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AM New York
February 5th, 2023

“ ‘The Immortal Jellyfish Girl’ makes for ideal far-out experimental theater, with an otherworldly and fully transporting design scheme that evokes a classic Coney Island circus sideshow, ominous political overtones, wacky humor, and unapologetic strangeness – even if the plotting gets confusing.”
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January 18th, 2023

“This is perhaps the goriest, most violent show currently playing off-Broadway. It's really not a children's show...’The Immortal Jellyfish Girl’ is here to remind us that nothing is forever, and none of us will likely be around to witness what comes next.”
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Talkin' Broadway
January 18th, 2023

“ 'The Immortal Jellyfish Girl,' running 80 minutes, is an exceptionally theatrical piece of puppetry, and everyone involved in the production should be credited for this grand collaborative effort...It is a stunningly original theatrical work.”
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