“von Buhler’s ‘The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini’ combines murder mystery, film noir, and comic book genres to create a genuinely fun immersive theater experience...Many of the performances in the production resemble comic book characters come to life...’The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini’ incorporates a remarkable amount of nudity...A sexy night of magic and mystery with a supremely talented cast of performers.”
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"Plunges audiences into a stylish Jazz Age-era world of magic and mystery...Every character seems to be straight out of an old timey movie...I found it difficult to invest in Houdini as a character...I wished for more suspense and higher stakes built into the narrative as it unfolded, leading to a stronger payoff...Luckily for all of us, Daily’s performance is compelling enough to propel the piece forward.”
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"It helps if you are open to just about anything; participation is encouraged but not mandatory...The transitions are ragged from the very start...At other times groups are led into locations where something is already going on, ends, and then a new scene begins, causing confusion...Regardless, it’s all still a lot of fun...Von Buhler has a great feel for the Prohibition era, and she knows how to titillate her audience, with song, dance, magic, drink, and ample nudity...A spirited evening."
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