Categories: Dance / Physical Theatre, FringeHIGH, Multi-Media, Local. From Moving for Monarchs in Association with EarthArt Studios. Written by Gwynedd Vetter-Drusch. Directed by Jo Vetter.
"Journey with a young girl who discovers the most delicate and daring dancers on Earth: the monarch butterflies. A magical story told through movement, music, puppets and bilingual poetry. Will her discovery come in time to save them...and us?"
THE DANCE OF LIFE is an exploration of one of the most delicate and daring dancers on planet Earth: the monarch butterfly, which, side by side with bees and other pollinators, moves from flower to flower in the essential choreographies of pollination…choreographies that sustain life as we know it.
Using the monarch butterfly as a potent ambassador, the production imaginatively asks the audience to consider what would happen (personally and collectively) if the butterflies disappeared.
Unique among all pollinators, the monarch butterfly has "the most amazing migratory phenomenon in nature,” according to National Geographic. But now, that 2,000-mile migration and the butterflies themselves are being destroyed due to practices such as industrial agriculture, chemical application to lawns and gardens, mining, and illegal logging. THE DANCE OF LIFE asks the question: How do you count the cost of losing an entire species (or multiple species) due to human activity? What is a world without beauty? What is a world without butterflies?