The 800th Annual Salvation Swing-Off (FringeNYC)
Closed 1h 25m
The 800th Annual Salvation Swing-Off (FringeNYC)

The 800th Annual Salvation Swing-Off (FringeNYC) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(23 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Funny, Entertaining, Great writing, Original

About the Show

Part of FringeNYC: To break up the monotony in Purgatory’s laundromat, souls rival for immediate rapture: in a good, old-fashioned dance-a-thon. Swing and red tape, plus the proverbial deal with a not-so proverbial Devil? All in an eternity's work.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (23)

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1 Review | 0 Followers
Entertaining, Funny, Hilarious, Must See, Raunchy

See it if You like funny and new age humor, with some mocking of oldfashined ways. Also dancing, there is dancing.

Don't see it if dirty humor isn't your thing. Or you don't like having a good laugh.

2 Reviews | 1 Follower
Confusing, Disappointing, Maybe Better With A Different Cast And Choreography

See it if You enjoy shows that poke fun at religion.

Don't see it if You expect good acting or you know what a basic swing step is and cringe when it is done wrong.

52 Reviews | 17 Followers
Disappointing, Original, Quirky

See it if you have a sense of humor about religion and religious topics.

Don't see it if you wanted to see more swing dancing or if you want a tighter and clearer plot.

6 Reviews | 4 Followers
Confusing, Excruciating

See it if I would not recommend you see this show, but the actress who played the virtues was fun, and the approach to catholic dogma was unique.

Don't see it if you want to see a show which is particularly tight or well acted; if you dislike swearing; or you expect to see lots of dance

1 Review | 0 Followers
Clever, Funny, Great Writing, Quirky, Refreshing

See it if You want a surprisingly witty and original take on an afterlife comedy that is progressive in spirit but deftly avoids the obvious.

Don't see it if You are utterly and immovably opposed to the concept.

3 Reviews | 2 Followers
Funny, Original

See it if you like original ideas, poking fun at religious conventions, relaxing and watching sit-coms.

Don't see it if you are looking for polished plays, deep meaning, high comedy.

155 Reviews | 46 Followers
Confusing, Great Staging, Indulgent, Quirky, Slow

See it if your New Testament knowledge of characters and purgatory is better than mine (many audience members liked this better than I did)

Don't see it if you expect a show about a dance contest to have a fair amount of dancing or dislike profanity that doesn't add to the characters or plot

1 Review | 0 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Funny, Intelligent

See it if You grew up catholic and haven't gone to confession in at least a year - you'll be able to relate to at least three of the characters!

Don't see it if You are distracted by over-sized stages or would never ever forget to attach cover letters to your reports.

Critic Reviews (4)

The New York Times
August 17th, 2016

"I wish I could have seen Malissa Petterson’s 'The 800th Annual Salvation Swing-Off' in a more intimate space. Revolving around a dance contest in purgatory, it felt dwarfed and distant, with a large offstage fan drowning out much of the dialogue. Kudos, though, to Stacey Garbarski for her hilarious performance as the Virtues."
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Theatre is Easy
August 17th, 2016

"As much farce as it is melodrama. The clear stand-out in this ensemble is Garbarski, who plays an endless collection of secretaries...The Virtues and Garbarski’s dexterity offer a much-needed familiarity against a series of plots and schemes that can be difficult to follow...Petterson’s script ventures delightfully into the absurd, and suggests a play very different from the coalition of gender, sexuality, piety, and melodrama that underpin 'Salvation Swing-Off' for most of the time."
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NY Theatre Guide
August 19th, 2016

"Where the production falls down is in chemistry–the cast often lacks the level of sass to convincingly carry off the saucy dialogue and erotic situations presented–and dancing. For a show centered around a dance contest, the movement of the actors was passable at best…If Petterson ever decided to run this production again in NYC, there’s a strong likelihood that the show could become a long-running cult classic if staged in one of the city’s iconic gay cabaret venues."
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January 13th, 2016
For a previous production

"Petterson's show is littered with intriguing characters…What makes this show stick is its ability to expel laughter that later leads to profound realization...Amusing quips from Lucy herself remind audiences of the delicate balance between right and wrong...While an audience member of the Catholic faith might need the ability to laugh at themselves to enjoy the show to its fullest extent, it's worth its weight in comedic papal gold."
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