A post-modern theatrical installation of performance-art cinéma inspired by 'The Theory of Everything,' Antonin Artaud, and Dante’s 9 Circles of Hell. Part of the 2018 Planet Connections Festivity.
This immersive dramatic spectacle created by conceptual-performance artist Roi Escudero, blends vérité, magic realism, surreal humor, and a persuasive visual art collage containing nostalgic music hits. Roi uses her background in visual arts and theatre to create immersive works on stage. It is a vérité tale told in the 11th Dimension by Artaud and the existential heroic beings of light, the Bubulinos. Through their travels across space and time, the Bubulinos struggle with the ephemeral and physical troubles of mankind’s present, striving to keep their “divine child” pure. In their quest to rescue the Bird of Truth the Bubulinos, guided by Artaud, will traverse The Inferno of today’s world ruled by the greedy witch Mrs. Mind. Dante and Vergil will help them to arrive at Paradise.