Closed 2h 30m NYC: Midtown W
63% 57 reviews
(57 Ratings)
Members say
Disappointing, Intense, Ambitious, Great acting, Slow

About the Show

The Steinberg Theater Group presents the world premiere of this Holocaust drama about a young Jewish girl forced to make a terrifying choice.

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Critic Reviews (12)

June 20th, 2017

"The tragic story of the people at Terezin is certainly a worthwhile subject, and Tolkien's play has merit. However, it needs further development. The staging is somewhat stylized, which only distanced me from creating an emotional connection with the characters...Least effective is the use of actors playing ghosts at various times throughout the play...For the most part, the actors do a good job with the material given and with their difficult accents."
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June 26th, 2017

“Can any playwright, no matter how talented, adequately dramatize the agony of millions of innocent victims of the Holocaust, or, for that matter, any of history's holocausts that have been visited upon entire populations with mind-boggling frequency? I don't think so, but the grim, unremittingly depressing ‘Terezin,’ written and directed by Nicholas Tolkien (the Jewish great-grandson of J.R.R. Tolkien) makes an honest, if ultimately unsuccessful, stab at it.”
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Theater Pizzazz
June 20th, 2017

“What makes Tolkien’s production a mesmerizing work is in how its characters rise above the brutality and sadistic mania of their captors...The ensemble’s work together is just terrific. The themes of Terezin are outstanding…Additional elements that make this production memorable are the stylized and symbolic effects…These directorial nuances and choices by the artistic team elevate this work to a fine artistic symmetry and create a poetic dramatic design.”
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Stage Buddy
June 22nd, 2017

“'Terezin' is a call to remember. I appreciate a work of art that insists we fulfill an ethical responsibility, though the performance unsurprisingly is difficult and heavy…The play is clearly meant to be brutal…Tolkien’s writing finds its full expression in the monologues, which contain an unexpected gravity and poetic imagery. They are performed deftly and with professional commitment by the large cast…The choreography is sparing but clear, at times evocative and consistently impassioned.”
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Theatre's Leiter Side
June 29th, 2017

“Very little rings true…in the writing, staging, or performances. The Nazis…are the sociopathic stereotypes we've seen in countless movies; I wish I'd counted how many times a Luger was whipped out and pointed as a way to settle a dispute. The rambling, suspense-challenged plot, filled with superficial characters and unpersuasive developments, fails to dig deeper than its litany of familiar Nazi cruelties…Act Two, in particular, is a pileup of dramaturgy that's gone off the rails.”
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Times Square Chronicles
June 30th, 2017

“Tolkien is the author and also the director, and neither of which does he do well. For over two and half hours this overstuffed, confusing mess of a play struggles to find its ground...There are also historical problems with this work. The cast is terribly uneven…Even the directing here is odd…Plays about the Holocaust are important so we never forget, but that doesn’t mean we need to forget artistic integrity.”
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Wolf Entertainment Guide
June 22nd, 2017

“A shawl is used to simulate playing the violin while we hear the accompanying music. That is one of the most successful touches. But other examples of the approach are strained…Such surrealism is intrusive and unconvincing, even muddling…The ensemble cast excels in getting into the overall mood of the play…However, as sincere as this effort...is, the style of the production sometimes impedes evoking emotions connected to what we see, even though the horrors are forcefully referenced.”
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Blog Critics
June 30th, 2017

“Throughout the first act, the production careens between sequences of compelling emotion and awkwardly paced, ineffective scenes. The stylized delivery and dialogue and symbolic imagery, intermittently touching and powerful, are too often overwrought and, at times, confusing. Despite the horrific story, powerful performances, and evocative music and sound, there’s a hollowness to the production, as if it were a puppet show staged for children.”
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