This fast-paced new musical employs a contemporary Pop/Rock/Folk score to tell the story of three Amish girls who come an amusement park on the first day of their Rumspringa.
It's the hottest day of the year at Lucky Land Amusement Park in Lancaster County, PA. Abigail, Sarah, and Moira arrive at the park for their very first day of Rumspringa, the year in an Amish teenager's life when they are given the opportunity to explore the "English" world. In their one day at Lucky Land, each girl has a life-changing adventure that will alter the way she thinks about her upbringing - and herself - forever. And when Abigail falls for Shane, a troubled but kind-hearted teen from Florida, she must make the ultimate decision: return to the safety of the Amish world or leave her family behind in favor of a life she's never known and a feeling she never expected.