Ruthless! The Musical
Closed 1h 30m
Ruthless! The Musical

Ruthless! The Musical NYC Reviews and Tickets

(217 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Entertaining, Clever, Quirky, Hilarious

About the Show

This campy cult favorite that spoofs the world of Broadway and child acting follows Tina, who will do anything to win the part of Pippi Longstocking in her school musical, including murdering the leading lady.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (217)

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41 Reviews | 7 Followers
I Did Not See This Show And Can’T Erase Mistake. Please Disregard.

See it if Didn’t see

Don't see it if Didn’t see.

4 Reviews | 1 Follower
Clever, Delightful, Great Singing

See it if you want to see some new talent

Don't see it if you're the Grinch.

297 Reviews | 78 Followers
Campy, Cliched, Edgy, Fluffy, Predictable

See it if you want a little silly fun & a campy nite-out. Nothing profound, just some drag hi-jinks, & an edgy kid giving All About Eve realness.

Don't see it if you want classic theater. A few glasses of comp champagne & we were laughing VERY out loud at some funny lyrics & campy over-the-top acting.

5 Reviews | 3 Followers
Cliched, Confusing, Disappointing, Great Acting, Slow

See it if You like a thriller type show

Don't see it if thrillers bored you or youre not a fan of i gotta be first attitudes

11 Reviews | 3 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Funny, Great Writing, Hilarious

See it if You like funny shows with talented kids

Don't see it if You mind small theatres

1 Review | 1 Follower
Entertaining, Funny, Great Singing, Hilarious, Must See

See it if You are Looking for a Great Show to laugh at and have a good time!

Don't see it if You don't want young children hearing swearing and talk about killing/murder.

280 Reviews | 604 Followers
Campy, Funny, Quirky

See it if You are interested in a darkly camp story of a "want to be" child actress. Silly, funny. Very tongue in cheek.

Don't see it if You are looking for something deep, or meaningful.

130 Reviews | 41 Followers
Campy, Eccentric, Entertaining, Quirky, Silly

See it if You want something light & fun that you won't think about after you leave the theater (I saw this after Paris attacks & it was good escape).

Don't see it if You don't want to see men in drag. You are looking to see a thriller.

Critic Reviews (21)

The New York Times
July 19th, 2015

"The style of the show is so high camp there ought to be a sleepaway version. The actors give the material their big-voiced, big-haired all, but the antics often feel forced rather than delirious...As a kind of Theater of the Ridiculous, it isn’t ridiculous enough. In a decade dominated by reality TV, this satire loses fizz."
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Time Out New York
July 15th, 2015

"The preternaturally self-assured Tori Murray plays this Shirley Temple of doom in the show’s current revival, and the joke still kills. Not everything else about Joel Paley and Marvin Laird’s musical holds up quite so well, but it's an enjoyable slice of cyanide birthday cake. The show-tuneful score is lively and the main cast is strong…Rotten as the state of Tina Denmark may be, we can’t resist watching."
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New York Post
July 13th, 2015

"10-year-old Tori Murray plays the psycho third-grader with panache: She can sing, and she’s funnier than most of the adults in the cast. Too bad the production, itself, isn’t as assured...A couple of other actors border on the amateurish — frustrating when they waste songs that, in the right hands, could stop a show."
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Entertainment Weekly
July 13th, 2015

"This chintzy production suffers a tendency to have actors rush their lines and, at press time, still felt a bit under-rehearsed, which is a shame because there’s great stuff in this vaudevillian-inspired script. But over time, the proper balance might fall into place. To borrow a lyric from its title track, 'Ruthless!' stops just short of toothless."
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July 13th, 2015

"Paley helms a zippy and efficient production in the first half that becomes increasingly plodding as the actors claw and mug for every last laugh. Contemporary references (like Caitlyn Jenner) have been added to the script in an almost perfunctory manner. Ninety minutes is long enough for this fun diversion that doesn't quite rise to the level of a gut-busting so-bad-it's-good classic, try though it might."
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Talkin' Broadway
July 13th, 2015

"Everything we see after Tina 'pays' for what she's done strains visibly, and shows that excess, too, can be taken to excess. Except during the truly crazy final few minutes, the plot gets away from Paley and fails to capitalize on the endlessly inventive energy that fuels the show so capably early on...This production may lack all the guts it ought to have, but Tori Murray possesses them in spades."
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Theatre is Easy
July 17th, 2015

"Tiny Tina Denmark is anything but sweet. And this makes the revival of 'Ruthless!' an ideal treat for those who enjoy the camp humor of female-driven cult classics like 'Mommie Dearest'...While Paley’s book is perhaps the strongest element, Laird’s music is also a delight...While 'Ruthless!' is certainly campy summer fun, there’s also a deeper message, if you feel like digging a bit. Talent can be a curse, a virus even, passed down from one generation to the next."
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Theater Pizzazz
July 17th, 2015

"The cast is absolutely superb from start to finish...You will marvel at the genius firmly planted in Marvin Laird’s memorable musical score, and the riotously funny book and lyrics by Joel Paley could very well leave you with a belly ache from laughing so hard...This show will no doubt ignite a renewed appreciation for over the top, camp/horror musicals! I say bravo to that, original works with razor sharp teeth are exactly what Broadway needs."
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