Queens Girl In the World
Queens Girl In the World
87% 30 reviews
(30 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Entertaining, Funny, Great writing

A look at a young woman’s journey of self-discovery at the onset of the Civil Rights-era.

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Critic Reviews (2)

April 11th, 2022

Whether frenetically dancing, rhapsodizing over Nancy Drew, fretting about when she’ll wear a bra or reacting horrified upon learning about sex, Ms. Curry performs with the verve of Lily Tomlin in her prime. Curry’s rich portrayal of Jaqueline Marie Butler captures the wonderment of childhood amidst harsh realities and the physical and emotional upheavals of adolescence. A matter-of-fact confession that Jaqueline has been molested is a chilling highlight.
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Front Row Center
April 22nd, 2022

"The life of Jaqueline Marie Butler (Felicia Curry), a.k.a. Jackie or Jack, is presented from the stoop of her house at 2933 Erickson Street, Queens, from pre-puberty through adolescence into adulthood in the exceptional one-person monologue 'Queens Girl in the World.' Set to the music of Motown, the audience was mesmerized while Curry transformed herself into a litany of characters, taking on mannerisms and voices of people who influenced and shaped her life from the early 1960s to the civil rights movement during that decade."
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