“I too am doubtful about the possibility of change, at least for musicals like ‘Oliver!’...But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth reinvesting in what made them meaningful in the first place, if dividends of delight keep coming. For that, I’d do anything.”
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“ ‘Oliver!’ is a one-of-a-kind creation that truly deserves the exclamation mark in its title, made up of bright and bouncy tunes, earnest romantic ballads, low humor, melodrama, literary pedigree, and many child actors.”
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“While downplaying the musical's dark social undertones and horrific violence, this ‘Oliver!’ is a buoyant, swirling, and candied Victorian confection.”
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“An interesting twist, though, is the way in which Fagin’s agenda—repurposing the obscenely excessive wealth of the rich—doesn’t appear especially radical in this rendition.”
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“The only challenge this marvelous Oliver! look-see offers a dazed—make that, dazzled—reviewer is where to start piling on the encomia....Probably makes sense to start with the focal Charles Dickens figures [Pajak &Esparza]...Because their performances enhance the revival equally, the only fair way to approach this is alphabetically.”
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When Mary-Mitchell Campbell’s baton brought out the first notes of the Oliver! overture from the Encores! Orchestra, the memorable tunes just flowed and didn’t stop until more than two hours later at the standing ovation and exit music. Lionel Bart’s score is rich in melody, the lyrics and the libretto evoking Dickens while still being theatrical. Lear deBessonet, the show’s director (and the Encores!’ artistic director) has fashioned a fast-moving evening filled with great performances starting with the sweet, fresh-faced Oliver of Benjamin Pajak and the incredibly talented ensemble of kids who gambol about with abandon.
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"Despite its flaws, consider yourself fortunate if you get a chance to see this entertaining production. It’s probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
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“This production fares poor-to-middling when, lately, the results at City Center have been excellent...The boys’ ensemble brings a hefty dose of joy, but the production desperately needs something else to juice it up.”
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