Minor Character
Minor Character

Minor Character NYC Reviews and Tickets

(6 Ratings)
Members say
Ambitious, Intelligent, Great acting, Entertaining, Fun, amusing tackling of vanya, but short on substance. not clear what the re-working they do adds to the play.

About the Show

New Saloon presents this kaleidoscopic adaptation of Anton Chekhov's
'Uncle Vanya.'

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Show-Score Member Reviews (6)

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546 Reviews | 66 Followers
Entertaining, Great Writing, Intelligent

See it if Not your tradition Uncle Vanya. Enjoyed the multiple translations yet overall coherent show. Refreshing.

Don't see it if Like a traditional translation then this is not for you. Multiple people playing the same character could be confusing to some.

133 Reviews | 36 Followers
Fun, Amusing Tackling Of Vanya, But Short On Substance. Not Clear What The Re-Working They Do Adds To The Play.

See it if great performances outweigh substance. If all things Vanya interest you. If mocking Russian angst amuses you.

Don't see it if You've had enough Vanya lately or you find Russian angst more tedious than funny or touching

780 Reviews | 333 Followers
Deconstructs Chekhov'S "Uncle Vanya" By Having Actors Recite In Succession Different Translations Of Same Lines In Play; Arresting But Not Wholly Successful

See it if almost a symphonic experience; makes u hear dialog in new ways & makes you pay attention 2 MINOR CHARACTERS otherwise overlooked

Don't see it if gimmicky; if u don't know play well, u may get lost; fundamental problem: straight play itself w/o deconstruction is more powerful

399 Reviews | 205 Followers
Ambitious, Confusing, Dizzying, Funny, Intelligent

See it if You like experimental theater. This mashup of many translations of Uncle Vanya moves fast. Entertaining.

Don't see it if Was confusing until I realized what was going on. Several actors voicing the same character, switching characters. It’s hard to follow.

3 Reviews | 1 Follower
Ambitious, Great Acting, Great Staging, Masterful

See it if you're a fan of Chekov and super-specific staging

Don't see it if you have bad taste in theater

9 Reviews | 4 Followers
Clever, Great Acting, Resonant

See it if you love language, and appreciate the delicate work of translation.

Don't see it if you're not good with multiple stimuli - stuff's happening all around you pretty much all the time!

Critic Reviews (2)

Village Voice
June 22nd, 2016

"New Saloon peppers Chekhov's tragicomedy with postmodern strategies. Not each of its staging gimmicks works, but the production does, turning a play that has been an autumnal meditation on aging into a spring-green forum on youth's discontents. Steered by director Morgan Green, the largely excellent cast performs various translations simultaneously...Yet all this hullabaloo doesn't confuse the core drama...The essentials remain: wisdom, sweetness—and melancholy, too."
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New York Theatre Review
June 20th, 2016

“It is endlessly fascinating. The production never becomes confusing, lifting the play up in startling new ways...Morgan Green’s direction is superb, her use of space causes the play to surround you and she has such a handle on the arc of what the company has created, effortlessly shifting the show from epic moments to quiet emotional ones...I was on the edge of my seat throughout. It’s a piece that must have took a huge amount of work to achieve and it has certainly paid off.”
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