Measure for Measure (The Acting Company)
Measure for Measure (The Acting Company)
Closed 1h 30m NYC: Midtown W
78% 45 reviews
(45 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting, Relevant, Intelligent

About the Show

The Acting Company presents Shakespeare's dark work about a devout novice who faces impossible moral choices. Performed in rotating repertory with "Native Son."

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Critic Reviews (6)

July 28th, 2019

"Fighting the Power in 'Native Son' and 'Measure for Measure.' The Acting Company pairs Richard Wright and William Shakespeare to wake us up to injustice."
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Lighting & Sound America
August 6th, 2019

"This is the Reader's Digest version, a ninety-minute summary that focuses on the main narrative line while severely reducing or eliminating the bawds, pimps, whores, and unrepentant criminals who form the play's substructure, becoming solely the story of a lady in distress, surrounded by manipulative men."
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August 10th, 2019

"To some extent, The Acting Company's streamlined 95-minute modern-dress version proves itself a good fit for such an approach, although there are elements of Shakespeare's play that don't quite conform seamlessly with what director Janet Zarish seems to be going for."
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August 8th, 2019

"Richard Wright and William Shakespeare are justly praised for their depth and breadth of thought; I wish that in the zeal to focus them on single concepts, these productions didn't reduce their works as much as they do."
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Theatre is Easy
August 4th, 2019

"'Measure' doesn't need the glaring visual cues that Janet Zarish delivers in a cut that leaves little but Isabella's quest to save her brother…with little emotional variation, even this slimmed-down version becomes tedious, with few performances popping out."
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Theater Pizzazz
August 1st, 2019

"The Acting Company's new production of 'Measure for Measure'...a play about the absurdism of crisp, precise and thoroughly entertaining. It certainly helps that a sizable chunk of the original [is] excised from this version."
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