"Some anecdotes draw a smile...Other times, Denton’s ecumenical attitude feels disingenuous...There is a distinction between cheerleading and reviewing, but Denton does not appear to care about it, and Harcum is not interested in challenging his subject. Indeed, Harcum never wavers from the perspective of Denton, and never places him within either the singular context of the Off Off Broadway ecosystem, or the New York theater scene in general."
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"A heartwarming journey through time as told by two people, partners in both comedy and drama that are as inseparable as their memories from their minds...Sure to captivate audiences with good, kooky laughs, bittersweet nostalgia, and a gained appreciation of just how important theater is to the structure of this world...Watching this show compels the audience to harbor an appreciation of these two characters and the actors who so aptly portray them in a rather unique way."
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"An enchanting tale of how one man's deep love for the art form changed the landscape of its era...The play feels almost improvised because of its fresh, energetic nature, which is not to say Harcum hasn't written some thoughtful, beautiful scenes...There is also a meta element that makes the play feel like a breathing organism. Those unfamiliar with Denton, his work or even the indie theatre scene should also find enough pleasure in the play. If nothing else, it's a love song to theatre."
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"Though Harcum's performance as Denton is, in a word, endearing, the play he wrote keeps veering from being earnest and serious to being silly, with schizophrenic results. With only a modicum of success, Marisol Rosa-Shapiro tries too hard to differentiate the many characters she portrays. Director Aimee Todoroff might have abetted Rosa-Shapiro more by getting her to tone down her affectations. Nor do Barbara Davidson's costume designs provide much to describe or respond to."
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“This wonderful show does a lot with an inflatable couch and a few boxes and posters. Elephant Run is all about preserving the history of avant-garde theater. In this show, they go where even they haven’t gone before. Judging by the joyous atmosphere in the theater, this show struck quite the chord. Director Aimee Todoroff has transformed her subjects quite believably into a bunch of theatergoers who for 17 years knew exactly which venue they were going to be in every night.”
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"It’s a nice story that offers audiences a sentimental journey through Off-Off-Broadway byways, but it is not an especially dramatic one...Fortunately, Harcum has devised an informal, presentational-style narrative that he affably shares with Marisol Rosa-Shapiro...Aimee Todoroff, the director, fosters a casual atmosphere for this production, which is reminiscent of many shows in the New York International Fringe Festivals that the Dentons covered so faithfully during their downtown heyday."
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