
Mankind NYC Reviews and Tickets

(209 Ratings)
Members say
Ambitious, Funny, Thought-provoking, Clever, Quirky

About the Show

Playwrights Horizons presents the world premiere of Robert O’Hara's ('Bootycandy') audacious comedy about a world without women.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (209)

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174 Reviews | 12 Followers
Ambitious, Confusing, Entertaining

See it if Somebody who like dystopian fiction with political commentary.

Don't see it if You want a light comedy or apolitical satire.

10 Reviews | 11 Followers
Ambitious, Clever, Funny, Great Acting, Relevant

See it if You love edgy, socially relevant new works. Great writing and acting. Very clever premise. The set, costumes, and soundscape were stunning.

Don't see it if You want to see parts for women. My only ONLY complaint is that I felt very excluded as a woman watching. But I suppose that was the point.

38 Reviews | 17 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Great Acting, Great Writing, Thought-Provoking

See it if You love to be challenged by a piece of theatre.

Don't see it if You are uncomfortable by the idea of common ideology being lampooned & questioned.

69 Reviews | 7 Followers
Ambitious, Banal, Disappointing, Indulgent, Insipid

See it if You like ridiculous ideas of gay male domination

Don't see it if You want to see theater

34 Reviews | 5 Followers
Cliched, Disappointing, Funny, Great Acting, Quirky

See it if You’re looking for a screwball dystopian satire that takes aim at one issue after another

Don't see it if You’re looking for a play that interrogates one issue thoroughly, or if audience participation mortifies you

45 Reviews | 7 Followers
Absorbing, Funny, Intelligent, Quirky

See it if You like to think and laugh

Don't see it if You are offended by sacrilege

12 Reviews | 4 Followers
Clever, Confusing, Funny, Great Acting, Great Staging

See it if You want to see a funny, dystopian future with no women, rad staging, and some really unusual takes.

Don't see it if You'd be uncomfortable with religion being parodied.

546 Reviews | 66 Followers
Ambitious, Entertaining, Refreshing, Relevant

See it if like O'Hara's work

Don't see it if not interested in current topical dialog

Critic Reviews (30)

The New York Times
January 8th, 2018

"The story keeps twisting even when you need it to stay put and shout. Another switcheroo arrives every few minutes, which quickly grows as tiresome and lets the satire deflate into mere sarcasm. It’s a problem of focus. Satire is about the sharpness of the darts but also of the targets. Here there are too many targets...This pinwheel of snark feels like a stunt, and there’s little that the cast can do, under the author’s distracted direction, to keep a feeling of agitated desperation at bay."
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Time Out New York
January 12th, 2018

“Even as 'Mankind' posits the radical adaptivity of male bodies, it suggests an equal adaptivity of patriarchal male rule as potentially disruptive energies are absorbed into a larger culture of surveillance, violence, control, and greed...Good material for satire, but O’Hara doesn’t seem sure how to shape it...Bravura moments are undermined by heavy-handed messaging and exposition. Like many an allegorical brainchild, the play seems like it was fun to conceive and harder to bring up right.”
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New York Magazine / Vulture
January 8th, 2018

"Jason and Mark mostly alternate between bro-y detachment and screaming at each other, but in one of 'Mankind’s' strongest scenes, they start to open up about their pasts...O’Hara here succeeds in bolstering his sketch-like premise with a much needed dose of sincerity. It doesn’t last: We soon return to the world of cartoonishly drawn supporting characters, destructive male venality and idiocy, and mostly predictable digs at our messy moment’s sorry state of things."
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January 8th, 2018

"The offbeat premise is intriguing, but the writer fails to take it all the way, choosing a surreal treatment that is visually stunning but intellectually hollow...O’Hara, doubling as director, hasn’t quite decided how he wants us to feel about Jason’s dilemma...Despite being twisted, the Christian symbolism is clever...But it’s alarming to realize that, although the play seems to have come to an end, it’s only intermission and there’s another whole act to go."
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January 8th, 2018

"We wait for comic gold to materialize, but it never does as 'Mankind' plods along for a leaden two hours...Offers neither the wit nor bite of O'Hara's earlier plays...My mind remained thoroughly unblown by a play that is not nearly funny enough to compensate for all its plot deficiencies...O'Hara serves as his own director, resulting in a saggy presentation that betrays an almost religious reverence for the text...No characters ever rise above a broadly drawn sketch."
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January 9th, 2018

“O’Hara’s wild gender politics satire...While the plot gets a little muddy in the second act...’Mandkind’ is so high-charged with imagination and audacity for its first half that the fumes of creative energy keep pushing it forward...Though the plot involves Feminism, ‘Mankind’ is more about the better side of men in their attempts to understand women; often looking foolish in the process, but still well-meaning.”
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Lighting & Sound America
January 9th, 2018

“A ponderous, largely laugh-free affair that begins on a mildly inventive revue-sketch note and quickly proceeds to box itself in, leading to a second act that roams far and wide in search of a salient comic point...O'Hara's satire is so vague and generalized as to be toothless...The production coasts on the considerable charisma of its leading men...A satire without much sting -- O'Hara gets so tangled up in the details of his dystopia that his outrage is rather badly muffled.”
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Talkin' Broadway
January 8th, 2018

"The play's very funny, very human opening is unfortunately quickly subsumed by a host of big ideas and controversial social issues...It all feels scattershot, and as a result, 'Mankind' is as frustrating as it is enervating...The second act is even loopier and more meandering than the first...Above all else, 'Mankind' lacks a self-reflective level of irony that might have made the play more successful as social satire...The play might have been more appropriately titled 'Mansplain.'"
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