Man Cave
Man Cave
Closed 2h 15m NYC: East Village
74% 16 reviews
(16 Ratings)
Members say
Intense, Great staging, Ambitious, Absorbing, Slow

A world premiere from John J. Caswell, Jr, 2020-21 recipient of the Paula Vogel Playwriting Award.

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Critic Reviews (2)

Lighting & Sound America
March 14th, 2022

Caswell occasionally indulges in overt editorializing about the state of world, most of which is unnecessary since his ideas are so well embodied in the story. Also, the last scene -- despite a nifty twist that raises new questions about the effectiveness of the death-walking ceremony -- struggles to find a conclusion, seeming to end about three times. But I'm betting that you won't be bored, not even for a split-second. Man Cave wraps potent social criticism inside a ghost story that will have you eager (and afraid) to find out what happens next. -
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March 15th, 2022

Page 73’s world premiere of John J. Caswell, Jr.’s Man Cave is an exciting, riveting supernatural horror story. While at times it seems overwrought and overstuffed with too many issues, Taylor Reynolds’ production works beautifully holding our attention until the final moment. Its satisfying ending seems totally in keeping with the events that precede it and its ensemble of four is completely believable as they attempt to deal with seemingly overwhelming contemporary problems.
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