Macbeth (The Mobile Unit)
Closed 1h 30m
Macbeth (The Mobile Unit)

Macbeth (The Mobile Unit) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(1 Rating)
Members say
Intense, Must see, Absorbing, Masterful, Riveting

About the Show

The Mobile Unit presents free Shakespeare to community venues, culminating in a "sit-down" at The Public Theater.

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1 Review | 1 Follower
Absorbing, Intense, Masterful, Must See, Riveting

See it if You love war and fighting and Shakespeare

Don't see it if You hate gore and dirty work

Critic Reviews (6)

The New York Times
May 20th, 2015

"Torres' style is both brisk and kinetic...both a strength and a snag...But tragedy relies more heavily on character, and this approach doesn’t really allow its characters to develop...The simple set design is nicely flexible. The gutter-punk costuming is fanciful, the performers are engaging, the story is accessible, the action is dynamic. But the play isn’t especially tragic or moving."
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New York Theatre Guide
May 21st, 2015

"This current production lies somewhere between good and exceptional...For avid fans of Shakespeare, this version may lack some depth owing to the lines omitted for the sake of brevity...For those less familiar with this play in particular and Shakespeare in general, that brevity pays dividends. The quick pace keeps the show engaging and accessible."
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May 21st, 2015

"Torres instinctively slows the action in iconic spots like Macbeth's dagger scene and the 'Tomorrow' speech to allow the audience to soak in the words. Unfortunately this instinct did not extend to the music, which is sometimes played so loudly that it's difficult to hear the dialogue. That aside, this smart, intensely performed, intermission-free production flexes its muscles like a well-toned athlete, letting Shakespeare's language do the heavy lifting."
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May 23rd, 2015

"This is a fine and engaging production, with the text trimmed to 100 intermissionless minutes. The racially diverse eight-member company, most playing multiple roles, reflects Papp's original concept of casting Shakespeare with an ensemble that looks like the population of New York...This 'Macbeth' would serve as an excellent production for those just discovering Shakespeare, as well as provide a fun evening for those looking to see an old classic through new eyes."
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Front Row Center
May 22nd, 2015

"This energetic company offers the Bard’s five acts in a seamless, well-paced ninety minutes that keep you on the edge of your comfortable chair. Whatever they excised from the original text goes unmourned here... the audience surrounds the actors who enter and exit nearly brushing your sleeve. That proximity is exciting. Another plus is the lights are up, so you see your fellow audience members react as you would have at the Globe. They—'The Mobile Shakespeare Unit'—just get so much right."
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Stage Buddy
May 20th, 2015

"Directed by Edward Torres and including a cast of eight performing almost 30 roles, the acting is what really stands out...Ultimately, if you want a finely staged and performed Macbeth, by all means go to The Public Theater. At $20 a pop, tickets are not expensive. It’s accessible, which is what The Mobile Unit is all about. Just don’t expect anything groundbreaking."
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