"Mostly, though, “Obliviate!” is the level of humor we’re working with here, and viewing Love Actually? purely on its own terms, it’s hard not to consider it a success. The show isn’t good exactly, but it is quick, dumb, and very, very fun. Right now, that’s a welcome combination."
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"'Love Actually? The Unauthorized Musical Parody' Is a Rom-Com Roasting on an Open Fire: The 2003 British Christmas film starred Hugh Grant and Keira Knightley."
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"This is a show that works hard to raise the level of lunacy, but the results are scattershot. It is telling that there is an appearance by Tiny Tim, a refugee from another Christmas show. The question mark seems to suggest 'Love Actually?' does not quite know what it wants to be."
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"Now, New Yorkers who know the film…have a chance to see a streamlined (at 95 minutes) musical-theatrical spoof of the film, called 'Love Actually? The Unauthorized Musical Parody.' It's a lively, silly and well-performed romp created by people who seem to have done a lot of this sort of thing."
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A Theasy Best Bet. "It's been said that parody is an act of love. The show's creators prove that with a loving send up of every last detail…The six-person ensemble is perfect…a welcome opportunity to poke fun at the cheesy movie that won us over when we were at our most vulnerable."
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Score: 80% "Love Actually? is a scrappy and wonderfully messy parody that is full of amazing talent and is incredibly enjoyable for those who love or hate the film, but it is definitely made for those who are deeply nostalgic of the film."
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