Little Thing, Big Thing
Little Thing, Big Thing
Closed 1h 20m NYC: Midtown E
82% 2 reviews
(2 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Well acted, Clever, Delight, Dizzying

About the Show

Irish new play company Fishamble presents a darkly comic thriller about an ex-con and a nun who are chased across Ireland for a roll of film.

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Critic Reviews (16)

The New York Times
September 9th, 2015

"This is a cloak-and-dagger comedy with a pure but unsentimental heart and a social conscience that takes the action to some somber places...'Little Thing, Big Thing' seems to be a bit of a shaggy-dog tale. Not so. A play about goodness, guilt and the willingness to get away with anything, it has an ending that will stop you short, right before it makes you think."
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New York Theatre Guide
September 9th, 2015

"Donal O’Kelly wrote and plays several parts in this two-person show opposite Sorcha Fox, an equally gifted actor. O’Kelly and Fox work together seamlessly. Their banter is delightfully done...O’Kelly and Director Jim Culleton have avoided going Hollywood with this piece, and they tell this story using just two actors."
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September 8th, 2015

"O'Kelly packs a lot of convoluted plot (as well as Joycean phraseology) into 80 minutes. By the end, it feels as though loose ends have been tied up quickly not for the story's sake but for the sake of its two actors who seem like they could collapse from exhaustion...Ultimately, 'Little Thing, Big Thing's' plot feels too big and ambitious for a play so small. Its surprisingly dark climax also leaves us wishing that O'Kelly had chosen to keep the ending in Joyce's essentially comic realm."
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Lighting & Sound America
September 9th, 2015

"Even as one admires the multitasking actors and the clever, fast-moving narrative, 'Little Thing, Big Thing' too often offers frantic action in place of suspense and emotional involvement...O'Kelly has cooked up quite a yarn, but he hasn't managed to make the resolution of it -- and the fates of its hero and heroine -- into something emotionally binding. This is a diversion that merely diverts, leaving an aftertaste of dissatisfaction."
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Talkin' Broadway
September 8th, 2015

"Between Mr. O’Kelly’s very skillful writing and his and Ms. Fox's terrific performances under Jim Culleton’s direction, 'Little Thing, Big Thing' grabs hold at the start and never lets go, a real treat for anyone who has ever been enthralled by the ability of language and impeccable acting to touch the mind and the heart."
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Stage Buddy
September 8th, 2015

"Outstanding performances succeed in filling out the framework of both the main and minor roles with depth, pathos and believability. Part crime caper, part road play, 'Little Thing, Big Thing' takes us on a wildly imaginative tour from the beautifully rugged County Mayo to the River Liffey and scene-setting landmarks of Dublin. In other parts, playwright O'Kelly's language is rich and colorful enough to rival sentences lifted from the pages of Flann O'Brien or James Joyce...A must-see."
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Exeunt Magazine
September 15th, 2015

"The plot can sometimes be hard to follow due to the fast-paced changes in environment and personalities, as well as a slightly cumbersome backstory involving an oil company, Nigerian politics and a murder. But largely, the show drives unstoppably forward, with an infectious, unstoppable momentum powered by the dynamic and endlessly energetic pair at the helm...You’ll have to forgive the occasional overstep. This is a small production in many ways but it has a big heart."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
September 8th, 2015

"The play’s narrative requires that you pay very close attention; following its many twists and turns, and keeping tabs on who’s speaking at any time, isn’t easy...Happily, both Mr. O’Kelly and Ms. Fox are impressively animated, using their flexible faces and bodies with marked versatility. Director Jim Culleton does exceptional work."
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