"Without an actor capable of handling these rhetorical flights, 'Judas' would probably have become a long slog...But Craig Smith is just the man for the job...Smith's production is fairly solid...'Judas' is an expansive play, rather old-fashioned in its structure, which proceeds more by argument than by action. At times, it threatens to lose focus and some scenes are better written than others. But the argument is provocative, and the questions linger."
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"A dynamic revival...With a contemporary sensibility, Patrick dramatizes the familiar situations with simplicity, lively dialogue and tasteful irreverence...There is also excessive philosophical speechifying during some long-winded debates but these static Shavian bits are offset by the superior production and strong performances...Smith's staging exhibits a superb command of stagecraft. Everything flows fluidly and aesthetically."
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"This exceedingly earnest but unremarkable production is not likely to cause a Robert Patrick renaissance...There is not a great deal that challenges expectations or brings anything new to what already has been presented in countless other depictions of the Judas narrative...The material cries out for radical treatment in the current contentious atmosphere...The actors are generally strong and do their best to enliven some of the ponderous scenes."
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