HONOUR: Confessions of a Mumbai Courtesan
HONOUR: Confessions of a Mumbai Courtesan
Closed 1h 10m NYC: East Village
93% 28 reviews
(28 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Entertaining, Relevant

About the Show

With original music, colors of India, and a story that is sure to remind you of Bollywood, Dipti Mehta's solo-show centers around a mother-daughter duo in the red light districts of Mumbai.

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Critic Reviews (5)

Time Out New York
August 18th, 2016
For a previous production

“Beautiful and devastating...All five of the play’s characters are wondrously portrayed by Mehta, who uses monologue and dance to guide us through their world of plans made and deals struck. Even as it invites the audience to take a hard look at the life of sex workers, ‘Honour’ seems to stare back at us, as though to ask, ‘Hey, American, does this make you uncomfortable?’ You bet it does, and we’re the better for it.”
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Theatre is Easy
August 23rd, 2016
For a previous production

"While by no means does Dipti Mehta’s one-woman show shy away from the more brutal aspects of its story, it also reveals itself to be full of life, humor, and beauty. This is the show’s great triumph…Mehta effortlessly switches between numerous characters…'Honour' ably juggles tones and styles, combining heartbreaking storytelling with jokes and dance numbers...If there’s any criticism, it’s that 'Honour' is a bit long...A highly successful piece of theater."
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New York Theater
August 17th, 2016
For a previous production

"Dipti Mehta has put together a well-structured and authentic-feeling tale that is witty, graceful and pointed. But I’m afraid my reaction to ‘Honour’ became much more positive after getting hold of the script. I found much of the play difficult to follow as a stage show...As wonderful a performer as Mehta is, her mimicry is not her strongest skill, making it difficult at times to figure out what character she is playing."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
August 17th, 2016
For a previous production

“Mehta’s provocative one-woman piece is about half a dozen denizens of a Mumbai brothel...It has a great deal going for it in both its subject matter and Mehta’s versatile performance...Unhappily, it has her speaking a mumbo jumbo patois using huge swaths of Indian-accented dialogue, replete with colorfully broken English and Hindi. When she switches from English to Hindi and back again, as she often does, you may not even be sure where one ends and the other begins.”
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August 24th, 2016
For a previous production

"Mehta beautifully embodies each role…She makes her incredibly controlled performance appear spontaneous and effortless, while fully and crisply embodying the characters…Each story is skillfully crafted and connected, and Mehta gracefully transitions from one character to the other...'Honour' stirs many emotions — alternately fun, sad, touching, comedic, and entertaining — while bringing light to a serious subject matter in modern society: sex trade and the women involved."
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