Starts Nov 01 6h 15m

Gatz NYC Reviews and Tickets

(38 Ratings)
Members say
Ambitious, Intelligent, Absorbing, Epic, Masterful

About the Show

In a shabby office, an employee reads "The Great Gatsby" aloud, blurring fiction and reality.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (38)

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184 Reviews | 30 Followers
Clever, Confusing, Great Staging, Great Writing, Overrated

See it if you like Fitzgerald's novel.

Don't see it if you have a hard time sitting for a long time or don't like the story.

194 Reviews | 38 Followers
Ambitious, Epic, Intelligent, Masterful, Riveting

See it if you want to revel in the beauty of Fitzgerald’s text like never before.

Don't see it if you aren’t in it for the long haul. It’s 8 hours.

47 Reviews | 12 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Great Acting, Great Staging, Intense

See it if Heard The great Gatsby in an all new, adult way. Suprised at the humor. Amazing adaptation of the whole novel

Don't see it if you are overwhelmed by alcoholism and scenes of domestic violence

137 Reviews | 36 Followers

See it if You'd like to see a great novel dramatized, and can stay interested for a long time

Don't see it if The last act was best but comes after 6 hours of a play that demands but doesn't earn your attention.

154 Reviews | 12 Followers
Ambitious, Dizzying, Great Acting, Intelligent, Riveting

See it if 8 hours may seem like a lot, but this production flys by due to the great acting. It’s an event that you shouldn’t miss.

Don't see it if If you don’t like F Scott Fitzgerald Or the book. Of if you can’t sit for 8 hours...with breaks.

524 Reviews | 134 Followers
Gatsby Verbatim Reading Gets More Theatrical As It Unfolds

See it if The conceit of office worker reading the novel to pass time, drags at first, but picks up as more of the cast acts out the novel.

Don't see it if you can't sit for long periods, but i was engaged the whole time. Two intermissions and a dinner break. A triumph for Scott Shepherd as Nick

142 Reviews | 20 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Dizzying, Intense

See it if reverence for language, the great work of Fitzgerald word-for-word & "how will they pull it off?" makes you swoon with anticipation.

Don't see it if every word of the novel--8hrs (w intermissions & dinner break) makes you want to run! If you can't sit still, not for you. Read more

73 Reviews | 15 Followers
Ambitious, Clever, Great Writing

See it if You believe that "The Great Gatsby" is the Great American novel. & if you have a day to commit to it. It lasts nearly 10 hrs (with breaks).

Don't see it if You are not a fan of F. Scott Fitzgerald. The cast reads and interprets The Great Gatsby, so if you know the novel, there are no spoilers.

Critic Reviews (4)

New York Stage Review
January 28th, 2019
For a previous production

“The absolute best ‘Great Gatsby’ stage version is the Elevator Repair Service’s ‘Gatz’...The ERS faithfulness to Fitzgerald distinguishes this magnificent offering...Indeed, Fitzgerald’s final series of scenes are beautifully wrought, are hypnotic, are the author’s excoriation of the decade’s arrogance."
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February 4th, 2019
For a previous production

“‘I can't believe I missed this the first time around,’ declared a lucky audience member who attended the return of Elevator Repair Service's brilliant ‘Gatz’ (2012), its ingenious theatricalization of the entire-word-for-word-’The Great Gatsby’ (1925), F. Scott Fitzgerald's great American tale of lush life on the North Shore of Long Island in the fabled Twenties. This lady was able to bask in the unpredictable storytelling performed by a company of very patient and talented actors.”
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Theatre is Easy
January 27th, 2019
For a previous production

"An epic, 8-hour staging of Fitzgerald's novel 'The Great Gatsby' that is arguably more entertaining than watching a film version or reading the book by yourself...It is indeed possible to enjoy spending most of a day watching an ensemble of thirteen read a book onstage...Through unhurried reflection on and reconstruction of the novel, Elevator Repair Service makes a meta work of art...Collins is to be congratulated for guiding a cast of thirteen through such a sustained storytelling event."
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Exeunt Magazine
January 29th, 2019
For a previous production

"It is, intentionally, exhausting, for actors and audience alike. Like any long haul, there is a period in the middle where it’s uncertain as to whether continuing on will be worth the work. And like the more memorable durational experiences, the last third is exceedingly exhilarating...It’s an infectious seduction of a novel, and hearing it read out loud is surprisingly effective in and of itself...Each word was required to keep the spell from breaking."
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