CRITIC’S PICK: “ ‘Drinking in America’ ... still makes good theater, because of Bogosian’s observational acuity, and because of the fireworks that ensue when an actor is all in.”
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“Its current form showcases Royo’s talent and lets actors jot down monologues to add to their repertoire, but it doesn’t aspire to something more impactful. Due in large part to Royo’s star power, however, ’Drinking in America’ will achieve its goal to sell tickets regardless of the impression it leaves.”
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“This is the first time in my experience that Drinking in America has been performed by anyone other than its creator, and the results are certainly mixed. Audience members who have no experience with the material may be struck by its litany of provocations; others might appreciate its time capsule qualities. [Frank] Rich also wrote that the show ‘leaves a hangover of outrage that a theatergoer can't easily shake.’ This time, however, no hangover; they're serving light beer at the Minetta Lane.”
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“Tellingly and perhaps more realistically, at the conclusion of ‘Drinking in America,’ when the man stretched out his hands for aid, none of us in the audience reached back. The play may be thirty-seven years old, but the story remains the same.”
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"Drinking in America" had so much to tell us about men and addiction and society over 30 years ago. And here we are with this riveting production in 2023 with a reminder that we still have so much to learn.
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"If drinking is comedy and also a tragedy, then Drinking in America, a one-man solo performance starring the multi-talented Andre Royo as Man, is both."
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