"Thankfully, Thomas is neither a pedagogue nor a preacher, but an amiable comedian asking some important questions...This synthesis of performance art and investigative journalism will appeal to many theatergoers...Martin never agreed to speak with Thomas for this show, so his motivations remain a mystery, giving 'Cuckooed' the feeling of a work in progress…'Cuckooed' is surprisingly full of heart."
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"With superb direction by Emma Callandar, this fast moving show will keep you on the edge of your seat... 'Cuckooed' has a remarkably original premise. The show mirrors real life events with humor, passion and veracity. Thomas is a true talent whose performance is exciting, energetic and completely entertaining...This is a one-of-a-kind show that is truly captivating."
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"'Cuckooed' shines a fascinating light on the world of British political activism...Thomas' hurt and confusion are made vividly real...Still, it's hard not to feel that we're getting only a small portion of the story, and the more we hear about Martin, the more fascinating he becomes, at the expense of everyone else…Thomas makes a fascinating host, even if his anger tends to overrule his attempts at wit...'Cuckooed' provides plenty of food for thought."
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"Written by Thomas and skillfully directed by Emma Callander, 'Cuckooed,' with its breakneck pace and devastating subject matter, shows Thomas’ skill as a deeply personal storyteller with the ability to stir righteous indignation in his audience."
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"In 'Cuckooed,' Thomas relives his ordeal and puts its consequences very much in the present. Martin has never attempted to explain his activities, but the 'why' is not the point of the show. Instead, this is Thomas' successful bid to get us to invest and empathize with a very personal story of activism, camaraderie, and the long-term and far-reaching effects of deception."
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"'Cuckooed' often does go on and on much like the creature of its title and one can understand an audience member drifting off here and there. But perhaps that is the point…He is energetic, fully committed, and engaging in every way. His solo performance is a powerful tour de force whether it is theatre or lecture and it is worth the visit. With meticulous direction by Emma Callander, 'Cuckooed' is deliciously brimming with the tactics Mr. Thomas has used to fight for justice."
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"This interactive media show with his live solo performance is a revelation, with immense scope and power. Its themes reverberate today. Their currency is dynamic and terrifying. Thomas portrays himself throughout the production. He is sardonic, funny, prophetic, mesmerizing and profound. His account has the relevance of court testimony…The production is sardonic and at times outright funny."
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"Mark Thomas’ performance is wildly imaginative and energetic, and the show has surprising depth…Mr. Thomas traffics in a fierce honesty…'Cuckooed' ends up being touching, because of the singular act of betraying a trust...Mr. Thomas’ accent was hard for some people to understand, but the effort is well worth it."
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