Church & State
Closed 1h 15m
Church & State

Church & State NYC Reviews and Tickets

(212 Ratings)
Members say
Relevant, Great acting, Thought-provoking, Absorbing, Entertaining

About the Show

Emmy-nominated writer Jason Odell Williams' fast-paced comedy about faith, politics, and “The Twitter” makes its New York debut.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (212)

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62 Reviews | 8 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Ambitious

See it if You want a brilliantly acting cohesive team providing a stimulating politically astute play.

Don't see it if You don't want to think about the political and moral implications of our actions.

50 Reviews | 8 Followers
Entertaining, Excellently acted, Serious comedy, Must see, Surprising

See it if you want to see a well written play performed by an excellent cast. Fast paced and very topical.

Don't see it if you don't like short plays with a lot of dialogue in a small theater dealing with politics and religion in a humorous but serious manner.

192 Reviews | 21 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Great acting, Great staging, Great writing

See it if You appreciate excellent writing, a thoroughly worked out story, and highly competent acting and directing. One of the best plays I have see

Don't see it if You object to being moved. Seriously, everyone must see this play. Read more

58 Reviews | 13 Followers
Absorbing, Funny, Great acting, Intense, Thought-provoking

See it if You enjoy comedies with a message. The acting is uniformily fine. It is well paced and it has a gripping ending.

Don't see it if You cannot tolerate Southern accents or too easy ethnic or regional jokes.

1166 Reviews | 464 Followers
Must see, Profound, Intelligent, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if You enjoy shows about topical subjects. This show should be required viewing for everyone!

Don't see it if You're afraid to think about common sense gun control laws.

58 Reviews | 10 Followers
Absorbing, Funny, Great acting, Relevant

See it if You enjoy an extremely well acted,well written play about issues that need to be discussed. A funny play about a serious issue-gun control

Don't see it if You want singing and dancing. This is a very talented cast bringing light to a topical issue.

563 Reviews | 194 Followers
Absorbing, Great writing, Great acting, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if You want a play that deals w/faith & politics: what happens when both are challenged? You want great writing & acting.

Don't see it if You're uncomfortable w/discussions on gun violence or questioning religion.

290 Reviews | 92 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Intelligent, Thought-provoking, Relevant

See it if If you want to see a smart play about the state of today's world and how we can't keeping sitting down doing nothing. I left in tears.

Don't see it if If you wanna sing and dance for the evening.

Critic Reviews (17)

Time Out New York
March 29th, 2017

"Williams is adept at jacking up the tension, and he leavens potentially leaden debates with plenty of humor...When’s the last time you left a play complaining that it was too short? This one zips by so fast, you barely have time to catch your breath; its brevity may well be part of the message. Even if Williams's script ends up more as position paper than play, the writer-director, aided by a crack cast, has come up with an efficient delivery system for words that need to be said and heard."
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March 28th, 2017

“We wish some of the actors would go off-script after hearing the first several of Williams' groan-inducing jokes…Bowers gives a performance commensurate with the script, mugging and shouting her way through what feels like an endless 75 minutes…Director Markus Potter stages a zippy production that hits all the requisite comic beats, but that can only do so much to compensate for lousy source material…About as deep as a child's wading pool.”
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Lighting & Sound America
March 31st, 2017

"The author switches tone so abruptly you can practically hear the play's gears being stripped...'Church & State' never really outstays its welcome, thanks to Markus Potter's crisp, faultlessly timed direction, and a highly professional cast...Caught between sitcom gagging and deadly serious matters, 'Church & State' ends up a little bit stranded. Williams hasn't managed to fuse his disparate elements into a single striking whole. Even when his play is funny, it's no laughing matter."
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April 4th, 2017

“Initially a very light comedy, Jason Odell Williams' engrossing and entertaining ‘Church & State’ becomes deadly serious on the topic of gun control and religious beliefs in politics. While some of the characters are stereotypes, they change enough that this is more than a sitcom. As directed by Markus Potter, this is a fast-paced, clever and funny comedy with an important message. It is not afraid to take on big issues in a sitcom manner.”
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March 30th, 2017

"A refreshing new play about faith, politics, and the power of social media. Witty, funny, and fast-paced, it unapologetically pours on the propaganda and places the moral compass at center stage...Though the shadow of gun violence hangs heavy over 'Church & State' the script is peppered with humor, wit, and deep compassion. Williams also creates three-dimensional characters that hold your attention and make you care about them...Sensitively directed by Markus Potter."
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Theater Pizzazz
April 5th, 2017

“Williams doesn’t let us get away with living through this liberal fantasy unscathed…‘Church & State’ is the political equivalent of fan fiction, in which audience members (presumably left leaning) get to indulge a scenario that feels perfectly logical, and which, ideally, would bring a reasonable resolution to an incredibly complex and divisive issue. It certainly would be pretty to see it all wrapped up so tidily. And for just a moment we’re allowed to go there. It’s kinda nice.”
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Front Row Center
March 28th, 2017

“Playwright Jason Odell Williams beats every comic moment out of the cultural differences of these disparate people, and lulls the audience into a comfortable complacency…‘Church & State’ slams you with import. You do not see it coming…Williams writes an unlikely hero, then someone casts a remarkable actor, Rob Nagle, who makes him breathe…’Church & State’ packs surprising philosophical punch, though dressed as a comedy.”
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Front Mezz Junkies
April 9th, 2017

"I was not prepared for this crisp, well-written examination of god, guns, and government. It is true that it has moments of hilarity, but the bones of this play have something far more serious to say...Finely directed by Markus Potter with great atunement for the humor underneath the seriousness...The last few scenes are shockingly powerful and carry a strong sense of purpose. Possibly a bit on the convoluted side as it comes to an end, the message is clear and desperately needed."
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