"The performance we watch is, in a sense, the play within the play....'Chekhov’s First Play' surely felt much bolder and fresher when it was new."
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"The humor of the first half is rather mild, and the lengthy onstage falling apart is surprisingly decorous in its effect. If Chekhov's First Play is meant to shock or unsettle, it falls wide of the mark."
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"When I see something as wildly imaginative as 'Chekhov’s First Play,' I happily sit back in wonder...You don’t know what will happen next, but that’s part of the joy of this piece. It is a multi-sensory experience. Give in to it."
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The second half is darker, attaining a quiet power, with an entrancing dance sequence choreographed by Liv O’Donoghue. It all coheres into a thoughtfully entertaining experience.
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"One thing is certain: 'Chekhov’s First Play' isn’t boring."
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