"Occasionally impressive as spectacle, 'Caenis' in its best moments reminded me of a Chuck Mee outtake, or a section of 'Dionysus in ‘69'...The topical appeal to embody this particular myth is clear, but the take-away is decidedly less so. The cast’s reliance on physical and visual storytelling creates an ambiguity that suggests a take on gender fluidity and what it means in the context of the performance but never fully positions itself...But the more striking sequences remain memorable."
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"Greco-Roman mythology is chock-full of sexual violence, and the story of Caenis is comprised of little else...The production's physical storytelling is extraordinary...We see Caenis as a victim and an aggressor, and while I applaud the creative team for consistently placing the actor in a position of physical safety and control, it doesn't make the imagery any less upsetting. Go see 'Caenis' for its agile performances, but prepare to carry the production's fraught tension home with you."
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"The actors easily transform the bare gallery room into a mystical space…When the actors do speak, it is forceful, and all the more potent for breaking the pattern of the dance. Lucy Kaminsky shines…She is supported by a strong Greek chorus, grounded in mythology but with a modern twist…An intense exploration of female empowerment and what it means…Glimcher’s passion for the subject radiates through a fresh, entertaining, and compelling performance."
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