"Rick Miller's New Show Is Just OK, Boomer: Miller leads a multimedia trip across three tumultuous decades at 59E59."
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"See 'BOOM' at 59E59 Theaters-Rick Miller's Powerful Multi-Media Journey"
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"People, places, and things rush by, forming a double-time parade that never pauses to allow anything to sink in."
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3/5 Stars. "Writer-director-performer Rick Miller uses footage, pop music and numerous wigs to make his point"
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3/5 Stars. "Multi-tasking Canadian star and Gen Xer Rick Miller channels baby boomers and their icons, in words and music"
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"Covering the music, politics and social trends of the baby boomer age, Miller cleverly uses lights and projections in real time, making lightning fast yet seemingly effortless transitions between characters. His impersonations are as detailed and enjoyable as the characters he's portraying."
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"So much information flashes by…that it's impossible to absorb it all, or to get much more out of it than a potted version of the times...Boomer or not…there's no avoiding the fact that, on purely technical grounds, you'll experience Rick Miller detonating an H-Bomb of talent in 'Boom.'"
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Score: 85%. "An interesting Canadian perspective of American events during the Baby Boomer years that leaves a dizzying exhausting effect and many questions and stories unfinished."
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