"'The Wanderer' doesn’t reinvent the wheel, nor does it present a back story that was begging to be told; Dion’s highs and lows weren’t unique. ... But, call me a sucker for some good doo-wop, I was continuously charmed by this throwback-y musical and its angel-voiced ensemble."
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"Whether you're tapping your toes to the rhythm of the music or sitting back and enjoying the beautiful verses, the score of 'The Wanderer' with many of Dion's hits is sure to please a lot of musical tastes."
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"The cast and the musicians are spectacular. Wartella, is seamless and gives us a layered performance as a man in pain. McIntyre, is fabulous as the devil, you are seduced by. His voice is rich in nuance. Ms. Altomare, shines as the girl who has just as many problems, but loves Dion despite his faults with unconditional love. Her rendition of 'Teenager in Love,' is heartbreaking."
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"Is there a single soul in the whole wide world who doesn’t love “Runaround Sue”?
While the song is an unequivocal delight and a gleaming gem of American popular music, it often falls into that nondescript category of music called “Oldies,” and does not immediately call to mind its performer. That singer, Dion, was a major figure in early rock n’ roll"
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"The night belongs to Wartella. Here he unleashes full throttle charm, bombast, intelligence, and rock and roll. He embodies Dion with ambition and passion for music beyond the times. It’s a credible, full bodied award-winning, captivating performance that slays the book’s banality. He enlivens the audience and gives pulsating life to a bio musical."
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"'The Wanderer' shows the depths to which Dion fell and how he turned his life around. The music and the dancing would have been enough to make it a great show. But in addition to that, it is a love story, a redemption story and a gritty slice of life set almost entirely in the Bronx neighborhood where Dion grew up, vividly depicted by set designer Beowulf Boritt."
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