Ruben & Clay's First Annual Christmas Carol Family Fun Pageant Spectacular Reunion Show
Ruben & Clay's First Annual Christmas Carol Family Fun Pageant Spectacular Reunion Show
Closed 2h 0m NYC: Midtown W
67% 117 reviews
(117 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Great singing, Fluffy, Funny, Disappointing

About the Show

Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken are reuniting live on Broadway — to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of their record-setting “American Idol” finale with a Christmas spectacular full of theatrics, music, and laughter.

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Critic Reviews (17)

The New York Times
December 11th, 2018

"Studdard and Aiken try to upstage each other in a showbiz arms race that’s cheeseball, and very funny...Aiken has an impish mien and a quick wit. Studdard is laid back to the point of impassivity, and his no-presence presence makes his singing all the more stunning...The two stars get solid support from the game cast...Unfortunately, it backloads all the sentimental stuff after intermission, and has a tougher time dealing with the reflective, spiritual side of the holidays."
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December 11th, 2018

"Pads the proceedings with intentionally cheesy sketch comedy, corny banter and, more successfully, thoughtful personal nostalgia...Neither Aiken nor Studdard have anywhere close to the comedic chops needed to pull off something like this...Musically, 'Ruben & Clay' is on surer footing, with Studdard’s silky R&B and gospel takes on the holiday tunes mixing very well with Aiken’s more Broadway-belting style...and the two make for fine carolers (as do their perky back-up revelers)."
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The Hollywood Reporter
December 11th, 2018

"A reunion for which no one was clamoring...Writers Arpino and Joyce vainly attempt to have their stars (and their five backup singers, who should be earning battle pay for gamely managing to smile throughout) deliver comedy sketches as well as holiday music. But the material is truly cringeworthy...While Aiken has some decent comic chops, Studdard is simply adrift, delivering his lines in a stiff monotone....It's a shame, because both Aiken and Studdard have lovely voices."
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December 12th, 2018

“An evening of skits and scenes, performed by two artists who won the hearts of 40 million people 15 years ago...Thankfully, time has not withered their voices, and their personal performance styles complement each other onstage...There is an astounding amount of padding within this show's inexplicable two-plus hour duration. Similarly, the transitions are sloppy, the design is cartoonish, and the painfully unfunny.”
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December 12th, 2018

"Sweet and sincere, modestly-produced entertainment...Despite the show's ‘American Idol’ pedigree, the style here is enthused musical comedy belting and everyone gets a moment or two to shine...Aiken is the more energized star...displaying a fine knack for comedy. Studdard is low-key...but he's definitely in his element...beautifully crooning in his soft r&b style...’Ruben & Clay’ doesn't claim to be sophisticated or flashy...but it's sincere and pleasant."
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New York Stage Review
December 11th, 2018

"Aiken is the far more animated performer...Studdard seems markedly lower in energy...but his gospel-style baritone vocals remain downy in sound. Their musicianship is more about bravura singing than interpreting the sentiments of songs; they shoot for the big, lasting notes rather than explore any emotional nuances within the lyrics...There tends to be a muchness about such performances when they mostly involve vocal flash while offering scant heart.”
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Broadway News
December 11th, 2018

“While Studdard and Aiken still possess impressive voices, they may have been a bit late in sending out invitations to their reunion party...Their comic banter mostly has the strained and saggy feeling of, artificially crafted comic banter...There’s cheesy and there’s cheesy...This show’s relentless barrage of mostly witless badinage and engorging seasonal cheer is enough to send even the most lactose-tolerant fleeing up the aisles.”
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December 12th, 2018

“Virtually every Christmas song in existence is wonderfully performed...Studdard and Aiken exhibit their renowned powerful singing, personability and a delightful rapport...Arpino and Joyce’s script is a skillful assembly of retro genre conceits linked by old-time humor with dashes of emotion. Tessero’s expert direction and Shriver’s snappy staging contribute smooth pacing and momentum...’Ruben & Clay’ is a prime opportunity for those seeking a merry diversion."
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